Complimentary copies available to any client by request:
The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton is an entertaining and educational guide to common sense financial planning. Visit Wealthy Barber
The Empowered Investor by Keith Matthews is the best book we have seen to describe what works and what does not work in terms of common investment methods...based on proven empirical research with no investment hype. Visit Empowered Investors
Available to loan from our library:
The E Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber is a great book for entrepreneurs and managers. Gerber provides incredibly creative advice on how to structure and manage a business. It is by far the best book we have read on this topic and will provide you with ideas that you can immediately use.
The Retirement Guide for Canadians by Henry S. Hunnisett helps plan for a comfortable and enjoyable retirement. Henry discusses various retirement issues such as how to use time productively, increase retirement savings, and the type of home which is best suited for retirement.
Canadian Residents Abroad by Gary R. Duncan and Elizabeth J. Peck is a good source of information for Canadians on the move. It provides a review of tax law as well as other non-resident issues such as emigration, foreign property reporting rules, and non-resident tax.