In retirement you can have as many as 6 - 8 income streams, each with different tax considerations. Having a plan in place to determine how you should combine these to get the most favorable results overtime is important.
Interested in creating a decumulation plan? Email Today!
Our 6 Steps to Success
The key to a rewarding and fulfilling retirement is having a plan tailored specifically to you and your retirement dreams. Our process includes:
Step #1: We create a written plan that merges life priorities with assets accumulated.
Most people have no plan at all, even though they work with a "financial planner" or "advisor. Most in the industry focus on accumulating assets only and put little thought into decumulation, however understanding where your money will come from and why is arguably the more important aspect of planning.
Do you have a written blueprint for converting your assets into income? Have you thought about how you will spend your time in retirement, where you will live, exactly how much will you require monthly, what your fixed costs will be, how changes to your health may affect your plans? If you haven't, we will help!
Step #2: Consolidate your income-producing assets with our team of experts
You cannot have the best possible results if you have assets scattered about with different advisors and institutions. Conflicting advice is inherent in such a situation. It is stressful and counter-productive to an efficient income plan.
Step #3: Layer different sources of income in the most tax efficient manner
Which assets and sources of income should you use today, and in what order? Which assets should you defer? We help you create a strategy which considers all of the factors which come into play through the changing stages of your retirement. We will help you be prepared for each new stage. We ensure you take advantage of every benefit along the way to avoid waste and maximize income, cash flows and your overall estate.
Step #4: Structure income in order to preserve valuable tax credits and government benefits
Often we find that people are losing these entitlements needlessly. It's a form of double taxation to have the Age Credit and OAS clawed back. We help clients avoid unnecessary loss and help them preserve other assets in the long run.
Step #5: Create efficient cash flow by investing your income-producing assets wisely
By using a proven procedure specific to the income years, you can effectively combine safety with growth potential, and secure your retirement income over the long term. We help you create a detailed plan to accomplish these objectives and give you peace of mind, so you can enjoy this time of your life.
Step #6: Implement efficient solutions for health-cost risks and wealth transfer strategies
We help you prepare for the later years of retirement with creative tools and planning. This will provide you with greater freedom and discretion as to how you use your money to do the things you want to do in the earlier years.
Interested in creating a decumulation plan? Email Today!