Patrick Moreault, B.B.A., LLB
Patrick brings a wealth of experience to this role. After graduating from Université de Montreal in Law and in Business Administration, he quickly found a passion for investing and joined the industry in 1999, servicing his clients ever since.
As an Investment Advisor, he is able to combine his diverse background with the strength and resources of CIBC Wood Gundy. Additionally, Patrick has his options license, which enables him to employ hedging strategies in the portfolio and is also able to offer a full range of financial services including professional investment advice, retirement planning, estate planning, and tax planning strategies to help grow your wealth.
On a personal note, Patrick is a strong supporter of The Lighthouse, Children and Families foundation, which is a non-profit organization that contributes to the well-being of children whose lives are threatened by illnesses that require complex treatment, and provides respite and support to their families.