Money story 1
We have such a great role in helping people realize that it isn't just about saving, saving, saving. It's about what do you do with that resource. How do you live your best life.
That's what it's about for you and I. Wouldn't you agree? It's about making them comfortable. It's making those decisions and knowing that their money will last.
Money stories, well my money story, begins when I landed in Canada with $5 in my pocket and all I knew was that I needed to earn more than I spent.
Wow... My money story is losing it all, walking up to the ATM and not being able to take out any money. I was never going to let that happen again.
My ex decided to take it all.
So, everyone has a money story. Everybody has to learn.
One of the ones that we see all the time is momma bear and pappa bear. You know Pappa bear has taken care of the family financially, worked really hard, they've done really well with accumulating the resources to retire, but Momma bear doesn't know what's going on. And they really need a comprehensive look to make sure they will be secure for retirement and for their family and for their future.
And then life happens. Pappa bear passes away and momma bear now has to take care of all the money. I'm going to tell you a story about that one. It will bring tears to your eyes. So I had a woman who's retired, and her kids wanted her to take them to Walt Disney, right? All 5 kids plus the grandkids. And she came in and her face is drawn and she's thinking $50,000 plus potentially take them to Disney. So, I looked at her and said, "why not?". And she looks at me, "how?". I said, "Let's take a look at your plan. Let's remove $50,000, let's remove $60,000 and see what the end result is. And the end result is they went to Walt Disney. All the kids, all the grandkids. She went down the water slide, and she had such a great time. The family had such a great time. And 6 months later, she ended up with dementia. And the beauty of this is this is the memory that her family has. This is the memory they have of her.
Awwhh, that's so awesome! We have such a great role in helping people realize that it isn't just about saving, saving, saving. It's about what you do with that resource. How do you live your best life. And what a precious gift she was able to share with her family.
And that's what it's about for you and I. Wouldn't you agree? It's about making them comfortable. It's making those decisions and knowing that their money will last.
We'd love to hear about your money story.
Please call us. Contact us. Let us show you how we can build comfort around your money story.
Money Story 2
Life does throw us curveballs. There is no straight and medium - might be boring.
So my money story begins when I came to Canada and I had five dollars in my pocket and I figured out pretty quickly I had to earn more than I spent.
I hear ya. And my story, my financial story, which landed me here, is as a single mom, I was left with nothing. Wow, nothing. Walk into the ATM and it was all taken.
So life is really interesting because it has all these twists and curves. Right.
You know, the first thing I would say is let's let's get real for our viewers. Right. Because life does throw us curveballs. There is no straight and medium; might be boring. We could... There's divorces, there are deaths. There are children who potentially get into car accidents and have head injuries. There's potentially children born to us who have special needs. There are life experiences and happenings that happen that affect us in many ways. And one of them is financial.
And again, for us, we've heard the story before with all our amazing client relationships. We've heard the story before. I mean, typical one is we have this wonderful client engineer. When he said jump, we jumped. You never argued with him. He was very wise and disciplined with his investment decisions. But we watched as his brain started to change, as he started to repeat himself, as he asked us three times about the same thing. So we asked politely, could we bring his son in to make sure that everything was running on track? And he agreed he had no issue with that. He had a lot of confidence and trust in his son. So we brought a son in. We went through what the plan looked like. Everybody was on board and his son was able to help him manage those affairs for the future. The funny thing about it is, prior to this meeting, the son, the son had said, I thought you guys were idiots because that's what my dad always said about you. At the same time, he had always said, my son's only an architect. So I think he's an idiot. So we all walk around the table together. We all got to enjoy his father's sense of wisdom and understanding.
And I know you're not an idiot. An amazing job. I know that. We all know that. You know, what's interesting about that story is that you save time for the son. He's an architect. The man is busy, right? You save time for the family. And figuring this out too late, you're going to have a much more smoother. They are going to have much more smoother transition time. It's important. It's not finite. My we can manage that piece. Yeah. You managed the family relation. Good advisors manage the family relations
And we're the neutral party so everyone can tell us everything.
That's right.
So I'm Penny, please call us with your life transition.
I'm Petra. And I'd like to say at least politely, call us before life gets too complicated.
Money Story 3
Isn't it interesting because it's not related to what you have, it's this unknown of what your future looks like
Because we're all afraid of the what ifs
And. So my money story begins with me coming to Canada with five dollars in my pocket, and I had to figure out pretty quickly that it better make more than I spent.
This is not the truth. And my money story is a single mom go to the ATM. No money left. It's gone. It's been taken. No diapers and no ice cream for my seven year old. Oh, you know, we talk about these stories. You coming to Canada, my becoming a single mom with no money. Did we ever really think when we were younger that this is going to happen, that all of a sudden we would have nothing because we had dreams and beliefs and because we and so often we live in the moment because the time, you know, working, taking care of our kids and our grandkids, our dogs, our house, making enough money, we are so in the moment we forget there's a tomorrow, there's a five year, there's a ten year. We forget. And really we need somebody to help us through that
100 hundred percent. I mean, that's the gift of starting and making sure that you have a sound financial plan or as I've talked about it with our clients, we're like many architects. We design a custom blueprint around your particular set of circumstance to give you the best financial plan for the future. But the second piece is we also help keep you on track, because if you actually don't know if you're at the milestone, you should be what's the remedy to go forward with? And, you know, right now, a really common story is I'm looking at retirement. Do I have
Enough? Am I going to run out? And when? Tomorrow, exactly.
Isn't it interesting? Because it's not related to what you have. It's this unknown of what your future looks like
Because we're all afraid of the what ifs and that's what we like to manage. Right. What if health, what if death? What if you lose a job? And what if the market goes crazy? What if we want AFEs managing? We want to. But let's tell the people who's the best people to go for what ifs?
Well, this is the challenge because people often work in the financial industry and they're given a title, but they actually don't have a qualification to go with it. The qualification you should be looking for to get a professional financial plan done is called Certified Financial Planner, or CFP. That is the industry gold standard to know that you've got the right professional working with you
And it takes a while to get it, number one. And number two, don't we don't we have to keep up our credit? We have to study year after year after year to make sure we keep up to date on all the information that's available out there.
One hundred percent. Yeah, it's a lot of work.
It's a lot of work. So I'm
Penny, please call me so we can help you with your blueprint for your financial
Plan. And I'm Petra. Let us help you build that blueprint with what's your story.