Bard Wealth Management
Our Mission
Through a consultative, holistic process, our purpose is to build coordinated plans customized to each client and, with the highest level of service, to execute strategies to help guide them through major wealth transitions.
Our Philosophy
We believe that each client has a unique financial vision, which can be realized by developing a customized asset allocation model and managed through tactical asset allocation shifts. We base these shifts on macroeconomic trends in order to improve the risk adjusted return of your portfolio.
Once you're there, everything will already be in place.
When you're used to a reliable income, there is only one thing that can offer you reassurance about retirement: having everything in place to support you once you retire. This is true for all major transitions. You want confidence in knowing that you've done all that needs to be done in preparation.
Between multiple sources of income, new taxation requirements, and day-to-day market shifts, there are numerous moving parts that add to the complexity of the situation.
Our process is aimed at getting them all to run like clockwork. This allows you to know exactly when and how much is coming in, with the confidence that it will continue to do so throughout your retirement years.