Dave Wheeldon, B.Sc., MA
After owning my own investment company, I joined the investment specialist team at CIBC in 1998. After four years, I switched to CIBC Wood Gundy as it allowed me to continue my passion of managing individual client accounts.
The "staple" of my practice revolves around providing client service. Clients understand that advisors, unfortunately, don't control capital markets. What we can control is the service we provide. Creating portfolios that take into account each individual's goals, objectives and risk tolerance is at the core of my practice. By using historical data, I can try to give clients reasonable expectations of future returns.
First and foremost I am a lifestyle person. Preparing for retirement is essential. Compromising one's lifestyle in the meantime isn't! Having the proper balance can create worry-free investing and allow for plenty of fun along the way.
Although my credentials allow me to offer most investment products, I tend to stick to the conservative side unless clients specifically ask for alternatives. Most of my client's portfolios are compromised of:
Preferred Shares
- Mutual Funds
- Blue Chip Stock
- Bonds (Corporate/Government)
- Managed Money
Feel free to contact either myself at dave.wheeldon@cibc.ca or natasha.birnie@cibc.ca (my Financial Associate) for any questions or concerns!