Our team specializes in personalized investment strategies for all clients. We use structured portfolios with a disciplined investment process and sound risk management strategies with the goal of consistent long-term performance.
The cornerstone of our investment style is to endeavor to provide attractive risk-adjusted returns while maintaining preservation of capital as a top priority. Managing downside risk is a critical component of delivering superior investment performance over the long term, and it is achieved through diversification, asset allocation and discipline.
Successful investing is more than just a series of transactions. It is focused active management. That's why fee-based programs do not charge transaction fees every time a trade is made. Participation in a fee-based investment program concentrates the investment decision on its own merits. Paying an annual fee (monthly or quarterly), instead of commissions on every transaction, grants you the freedom to pursue your investment strategy without being concerned with individual transaction costs on every trade.
As a holder of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, Jake designs model client portfolios with the same methodologies and discipline as institutional investors and pension funds. This is accomplished through intelligent listening, constant open communication and ensuring that your portfolio remains closely aligned to your objectives over time.
Strategy Selection
Before any execution towards a strategy, we have to ensure that we have chosen the correct one. We first have to establish your investment objectives and risk tolerances. These are two key components in developing the right strategy for you. We must take into consideration your personal preferences, financial goals, personal background and your personal tolerance for investment risk.
Advisor Managed Accounts
Imagine being free from the concerns and ongoing decisions that come with managing your investments. With more time, you can concentrate on what matters most to you.
With a CIBC Wood Gundy Advisor Managed Account, you engage an expert to take care of your wealth. You work with a portfolio manager to create a customized portfolio of investments based on your unique needs. Then you delegate the day-to-day decisions to your portfolio manager. This is discretionary money management and it is how you choose freedom.
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Structuring Your Investments
Types of Discretionary Managed Portfolios
The Dividend Value Portfolio (DVD):
- Objective to provide moderate growth over time and moderate consistent income
- Focuses on three key components: dividends, value and discipline
- A sound strategy with the goal of preserving wealth with moderate growth over time
The High Income Portfolio (HIP):
- Objective of predictable income streams and capital preservation with moderate growth over long term
- A sound strategy with the goal of meeting current income requirements while preserving and growing wealth
Investment Consulting Service (ICS):
- Access to a wide range of managers with diverse investment strategies.
- Covers all major asset classes and investment styles including international and global equity
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Portfolio Partner Models:
- Select between North American Growth and Global Growth
- Compliments the other managed portfolios