Needs Analysis
Through a series of personal interviews, we work with you to better understand your needs, personal goals, time horizon and risk tolerance.
Asset Allocation
Having the proper mix of equities, bonds, and cash will dictate both the potential return and risk of your portfolio. We use sophisticated analysis tools to help you find the right mix.
Build Your Wealth Plan
A wealth plan combines your current assets and planned contributions prior to, and expected withdrawals after retirement, with a projected return derived from your asset allocation to estimate future values for your portfolio.
Formalize Your Strategy
Your Investment Policy Statement documents the solutions derived from the previous steps in the process, highlighting investment time frame, risk, manager selection procedures and selling disciplines.
Once we fully understand your needs, and we agree on a roadmap that will move us in the direction of your goals, we begin the process of implementing your strategy.
Monitor Your Progress
We conduct regular reviews of all portfolios and keep you up-to-date through pre-booked appointments.
Rebalance Your Portfolio
Market cycles cause different asset categories to do well at different times. Rebalancing brings your portfolio back to the original asset mix on regular intervals to take advantage of these cycles.