Bob Leon, MBA, B.Sc., FCSI
Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Advisor
Bob is an expert relationship manager in the world of financial asset management. He has more than 25 years of experience with CIBC Wood Gundy in the retail investment division. He has acted as a retail investment advisor, a retail branch manager, and currently is a portfolio manager. Bob is also the principal IA of the Robert Leon Financial Group and The Prudent Process at CIBC Wood Gundy.
Bob Leon, MBA, B.Sc., FCSI
Portfolio Manager, Senior Wealth Advisor
Bob is an expert relationship manager in the world of financial asset management. He has more than 25 years of experience with CIBC Wood Gundy in the retail investment division. He has acted as a retail investment advisor, a retail branch manager, and currently is a portfolio manager. Bob is also the principal IA of the Robert Leon Financial Group and The Prudent Process at CIBC Wood Gundy.
Our Team
Bob Leon, MBA, B.Sc., FCSI
Senior Wealth Advisor