As a Portfolio Manager and Investment Advisor, Wes manages three model investment portfolios. Our portfolios are regularly rebalanced to maintain the optimal mix of holdings, and the day-to-day investment management is handled for you.
Wes' investment style can be described as tactical and opportunistic. We constantly survey the economic landscape and position the portfolios to take advantage of shifting markets.
Investing your hard-earned money is a serious responsibility. This task should be given to those with the highest levels of expertise. As a CFA charterholder, Wes has demonstrated his extensive depth of knowledge in equities, fixed income, derivatives, economics, and more. To learn more about the CFA and the best-in-class standard it represents, Click Here.
Our Model Portfolios | Low Volatility Income | Tactical Growth | Global Focused Equity |
Objective | Income and Capital Preservation | Income and Growth | Growth |
Risk Profile | Low-Medium | Medium | Medium-High |
Time Horizon | 5+ Years | 6-10+ Years | 5+ Years |