At Knight Financial Management Team, we work closely with our clients to understand and reinforce their needs. Our approach focuses on the importance of these three strategies: Asset Allocation, Investor Behavior and Rebalancing.
We believe that Asset Allocation is the most important investment decision, as it accounts for over 90% of your expected return. The link below exemplifies the determinants of portfolio performance:
Asset Allocation
We believe that Investor Behavior can prevent investors from achieving their investment goals. See below how behavior affects investment performance:
We believe that regular portfolio Rebalancing between asset classes, sectors and individual securities reduces risk and maximizes gains. Click the link to see how rebalancing makes a difference:
We believe in Process. We specialize in professional discretionary portfolio management and our investment process is disciplined and core to all of our portfolio decisions. View this process throughout our portfolios linked below:
North American Dividend Growth Global ETF Growth