There are no guarantees in life… that’s why there’s life insurance.
Benjamin Franklin famously quipped: "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Were he alive today, we believe that he would have no doubt recognized life insurance as the instrument of choice to deal with both.
Though death may be certain, the longevity of a healthy individual is not. This creates two contrary risks: living too short a life to create financial security for one’s family; or living too long a life to preserve one’s wealth. Insurance products deal with both of these longevity risks: term life insurance to bolster your family’s financial security in the event of your early demise; permanent insurance to enhance and preserve your legacy; and annuities to provide guaranteed retirement income you can never outlive.
Lastly, your biggest tax bill will likely be on your death. All non-registered capital is deemed to be sold at fair market value, triggering in your final tax return the accrued capital gains on investments and real estate (other than your principal residence). All registered capital (RRSP, RRIF) becomes taxable income in the year of death. This can create a liquidity crisis when there is not sufficient cash in the estate to cover the large tax bill. Life insurance provides the necessary cash in the form of a tax-free death benefit at exactly the right time.
Permanent life insurance has some unique qualities that make it a very useful tool for tax and estate planning:
- It is generally exempt from tax, both annual taxation for the policy owner as well as for the beneficiary receiving the death benefit.
- The policy can be customized to deal with specific tax and estate planning issues by specifying the amount and type of coverage, the insured, the owners and the premium schedule.
- It can be structured to provide cash precisely when the tax liabilities arise.
- A corporate-owned policy allows capital to flow out to shareholders tax-free.
For more information on life insurance-based estate planning strategies click here