Milan Cacic, P.Eng, CIM
Milan leads Cacic Wealth Management at CIBC Wood Gundy. For over 27 years, he has provided investment advice and custom wealth strategies to high-net-worth executives, entrepreneurs, professional athletes and their families. His clients also include corporations, charities and foundations.
Milan and his team work with clients to identify what’s important to them including their financial goals, and then they construct a wealth strategy which complements the management of their investment portfolio. They also take a holistic approach to a client’s overall financial situation and work with them to construct an efficient estate plan. Every plan is unique to every individual.
As a portfolio manager and holder of the Chartered Investment Manager designation, Milan provides discretionary portfolio management for clients. His engineering background is evident through his disciplined, rules-based investment platform. A consistent, repeatable and clearly defined investment process is the cornerstone of his investment philosophy. Milan currently sits on the board of the Calgary Highlanders Regiment and chairs the Annual CUPS Golf Classic sponsored by CIBC Wood Gundy.
In his spare time, Milan enjoys barbecuing and hiking in the mountains with his wife and three kids.