The Stack Team Philosophy
Our investment philosophy is to know and understand each client's goals, objectives, and risk tolerances, and use this knowledge to create a personalized portfolio consistent with these factors. We believe it is important to look after the financial affairs of our clients in their entirety, by providing comprehensive investment, retirement and estate planning strategies specifically tailored to their individual needs and objectives.
The cornerstone of our investment philosophy is simply that one size does not fit all. An investment strategy that may be a perfect fit for one person may not come close to suiting another. Each client is an individual, with his or her own outlook and expectations, tolerance for risk, family considerations and responsibilities, and financial resources and goals. A personal approach to investing takes all of these factors into account to produce a unique plan for each client. Our goal is to help each client develop, implement, and monitor the success of his or her own personal investment strategy.
How do we measure success?
Helping our clients achieve financial security and success in meeting their goals is the bottom line for us over the long term. But just as important to our clients in the short term is peace of mind, what we refer to as the "sleep factor". We help our clients understand that there is no such thing as a risk-free investment, the different levels of risk inherent in various investments, and their personal risk comfort level. When clients build their investment strategies around their personal tolerance for risk, they sleep better at night. They are also patient enough to stick with their investment plan despite market volatility and, as a result, they achieve better results in the long term.
We are licensed in the following provinces:
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Nova Scotia
- New Brunswick
- Ontario
- Quebec
- Alberta
- Prince Edward Island