How we customize YOUR plan from a tax planning perspective.
Account Asset Allocation
Did you know that capital gains, interest income, and dividends are each taxed differently in Canada? Our extensive knowledge on which accounts to place investments with these three focuses ensures that your after-tax returns are maximized.
Preferential Tax Treatment
Rolling over RRIFs, principal residence exemption, benefits from life insurance policies, and offsetting capital gains with capital losses are some strategies we use to your advantage. Are you confused? That’s okay. Thankfully, we are here to help!
Efficient Capital Gain Realization
We monitor cash balances in your accounts to ensure you have enough funds available for outgoing expenses or pre-authorized payments. In the event we need to raise cash, we first select funds that have increased in value to ensure your principal investments aren’t touched.
To learn more information about effective tax planning strategies, refer to the document below.