When Capital Preservation is Your Main Objective
A Guranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) is a secure investment, where the full amount of your principal is guaranteed.
GICs come in terms from 30 days to 5 years. The interest rate is usually fixed for the length of the term.
At CIBC Wood Gundy, we have access to GICs from a wide variety of financial institutions. Our rates are very competitive; however, they are subject to availability and change without notification.
Minimum investment is $5,000.
The Canadian dollar GICs with terms of 5 years and less are insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $100,000.
For GIC terms of one year or less, simple interest is paid at maturity. For GIC terms of greater than one year, simple interest is paid annually, or compound interest is calculated annually and paid at maturity.
On any day we can compare the GIC rates from a variety of financial institutions and select the best one for you. Please contact us with any questions.