Our investment philosophy is based on the belief that to achieve the best results for our clients, we must have quality businesses at the right price, with sustained earnings growth, as well as an excellent payment history and increase in their dividends.
Our investment discipline is rigorously applied, regardless of market conditions in order to achieve long-term objectives. Each portfolio benefits from a unique design and is diversified based on many criteria, thus reducing volatility, ensuring appropriate levels of risk, and therefore achieving long-term objectives.
Definition of financial risk
✓ The risk of any investment corresponds to the probability of a loss of buying power during the expected holding period.
✓ This approach differs from the general trend that the risk should be defined mainly on the basis of the volatility of financial instruments.
✓ Considering only volatility is a long-term mistake if buying power is not protected.
✓ The focus is therefore on preserving and increasing buying power, not just on reducing volatility.