Angelo D'Amico
Over the past 25 years, Angelo has been a trusted Investment Advisor to affluent families, corporations and foundations, creating customized investment strategies. He aims to understand the clients' complete financial situation and takes a holistic approach to wealth management.
As a Portfolio Manager and Senior Investment Advisor at CIBC Wood Gundy, Angelo leads a highly talented team of professionals and is responsible for over $1.5 billion in investment assets. For the majority of our clients, the primary investment goals are to preserve capital and provide predictable growth, while generating tax friendly income as needed. When constructing personally designed portfolios, the client's time horizon and risk tolerance are always taken into consideration.
Angelo and his team strive to provide exceptional service and are supported by CIBC specialists with expertise in other aspects of wealth management, including Estate Planning, Business Succession Planning, and Charitable Giving, to name a few.
My Team
Angelo D'Amico
Portfolio Manager
Todd D'Amico
Caroline Bannayan
Steve Pama
Anthony Baranello
Cassandra Arjune
Sandra Pistilli
How we can help you
Our team strive to provide exceptional service. Our expertise encompasses all aspects of wealth management.
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