Our Investment Process
Fraser Wilson is an Investment Advisor who holds the Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) designation from the Wharton School of Business, in Pennsylvania. The CIMA education is focused on portfolio construction and risk analysis. We are not "stock brokers" and our clients do not receive calls from us to buy and sell the latest hot stocks. We do not operate that way.
Our expertise is in using risk analysis to create portfolios which are diversified across asset classes beyond simple stocks and bonds. Depending on the client and their investment profile, these additional asset classes might include real estate, private placements and alternative investments which can, and do, provide stable returns and have little or no correlation to North American stock and bond markets.
Once an asset class or geographic region is identified as suitable for investment for our clients, we seek out portfolio managers who are specialists in specific areas. We firmly believe no single portfolio manager or firm can provide superior risk-adjusted returns in all asset classes or across different geographies. Our constant due diligence process has led, and continues to lead us to some of the best portfolio managers in the world.