Portfolio performance can be measured in a variety of ways. Some investors prefer to see results strictly by the numbers. How does my performance stack up to the major indices?
For others, successful investing is marked by having the right answers to more personal questions. Can I help my granddaughter pay for university or help my son start a business? Does my financial advisor understand me and share my values?
Wherever you fall on the investing spectrum, at The Johnson, Johnston and Macrae Investment Group we take the time to listen and get to know you, and we keep the listening going throughout the life of our relationship. Whether you're building up wealth to secure a comfortable retirement or preserving wealth to leave a legacy to the next generation, your investment portfolio will be tailored—and continuously monitored—to meet your unique goals and objectives.
For more than four decades our expert team has been addressing the complex needs of high-net-worth clients: helping them to provide for today while safeguarding their assets for the future. Through the years, The Johnson, Johnston and Macrae Investment Group has maintained a steady staff complement. This continuity has inspired trust and gives our clients peace of mind that their investments are in familiar hands.
We maintain close communication with our clients and often work alongside their allied professional advisors—accountants and lawyers—with unmatched attention to detail. In addition to regularly scheduled portfolio reviews and conference calls with one of our three investment managers, there is always a friendly and familiar point of contact on our administrative team. We are accessible by phone, email or drop-in, to follow through on your requests on a timely basis.
Client retention and over $775 million in assets-under-management speak to our constant focus on results and relationships. Contact our team today.