Our job is to make your money work for you, whatever your stage in life.
We keep in touch with you regularly and maintain a close working relationship, so that as life changes occur within your family, our team will be there to offer our support, guidance and advice. As events occur, we look at your current overall financial position, talk to you about what you would like to achieve, listen to your concerns and then make recommendations that match your lifestyle and aspirations. You can then relax in the knowledge that your finances are organized in the way that suits you best.
As life changes happen, your financial goals may change as well. We review your financial plan regularly to make sure that it is working for you, and helping you reach your goals.
Life can change at any time. Our approach to financial planning is expressly designed to adapt to evolving needs. How would a major life event impact your financial situation?
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
- C.S. Lewis
How Would A Life Event Impact Your Financial Future?
The most stressful part of any divorce is the uncertainty that follows. This life event brings change to every aspect of your previous life, including your income, the lifestyle plans for you and your family, where you are going to live, when you are going to retire, and what your future will look like.
We'll make your future clearer by helping you to:
- Create a financial plan for the future, determining how much you need to earn to live your desired lifestyle,
- Increase your financial education and self-confidence so that you make wise investment decisions and plan for a realistic and successful financial future,
- Manage the proceeds from your settlement to help you achieve these goals.
Sale of a Business
Business owners have unique financial needs, but the eventual sale of your business is the most important one. This single transaction has a huge impact on your retirement, your lifestyle and your legacy, and there are several variables that can impact the outcome.
We will advise you through these and other questions:
- Will you be keeping the business in the family or selling it to a third party?
- Are you aware of the tax consequences?
- What are the best options for reinvesting the proceeds after the sale?
We help retirees prepare, plan and manage their financial lives. We understand the challenges and impact that this change in lifestyle has on your wealth, and so we tailor our recommendations for each individual situation.
In the years preceding retirement, we will plan and discuss your vision for your new lifestyle, addressing questions such as:
Will I have enough money to retire? How much is enough?
Will I be able to live the retirement lifestyle that I have imagined?
How long will my savings last?
Death of a Spouse
People who have recently lost their spouse are forced to deal with changes in all areas of their lives, and they need emotional support and financial advice to help themselves and their families adapt to the "new normal." The loss of a spouse leads to the reorganizing of your life goals. This is especially true for pre-retirees, where the death of a spouse often turns retirement planning in a completely new direction.
Now that you're on your own, we will guide you through questions such as:
- Have you taken the time to consider your longer-term financial goals, such as if you will be moving houses or cities? Will you be changing jobs, and what age will you be fully retiring?
- How much money do you want to set aside for the children's/grandchildren's education?
- How much money will you need in your investment portfolio to last you into your nineties, living in comfort?
- Is a portion of this money intended to be passed on to other generations in the future?
Advisor Change
Changing your investment advisor involves two decisions on your part – whether to leave the advisor that you currently have, and who to choose as your new partner?
It is probably time for you to change advisors if:
- You're in a situation where you are not getting proactive advice and attention,
- You don't feel like you can honestly talk about your life and ask all of your investment questions in a judgment-free environment,
- Your questions are not sufficiently answered,
- You don't understand the fees that you are paying and how your advisor is compensated,
- Your portfolio has seen more volatility than you are prepared to withstand,
- You don't have an updated financial plan to give you the peace of mind that you're on the right track .
If you would like a complimentary second opinion on your financial plan and current investment strategy, please call us to arrange a private consultation.
For most people, receiving an inheritance seems like the simplest and easiest way to solve their financial problems. However, there could be implications that prevent an inheritance from becoming a care-free transaction.
For instance, you need to consider:
- Are there any established trusts or foundations?
- Does the recipient's age pose any concerns for managing his or her wealth?
- Has the benefactor put restrictions on how the wealth is to be invested or accessed?
We are all familiar with Benjamin Franklin's famous quote that "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Working together with your tax accountant we can certainly strive towards minimizing and deferring your tax bill, leaving more money in the hands of your family and beneficiaries. Just remember - what cannot be predicted can still be planned for.
Alongside your legal and tax experts, we can help to create an estate plan that ensures that your wealth is distributed according to your wishes, and that you leave the legacy that you intend for your family and future generations.