Lisa Applegath
November 25, 2021
Charitable Giving
“Having the means to live well is important. Making a meaningful difference is life-changing”
As we approach the holidays, chartitable giving is front of mind for many people. Giving back to your community is one of the most important and meaningful things that you can do. November and December are such important months for philanthropy as they are marked with a number of significant events: Movember, GivingTuesday, CIBC Miracle Day, our branch family charity-to name a few.
As many of you are aware, The Applegath Group is always committed and at the forefront of supporting charities and causes that matter to those around us. Earlier this fall, Lisa and our team, participated in the CIBC Run for the Cure, as part of the Wonder Women of Wealth group, and helped raise over $550,000 – the largest amount ever raised by a single team. We are so proud of this accomplishment which was in large part, thanks to our community and all our collective efforts.
Over the past ten years we have helped a number of our clients clarify their thinking on what communities they wish to support and how to put a plan in place that both fulfills their need to give back and to take advantage of the generous tax planning opportunities. Most recently we have been setting up Donor Advised Foundations with clients that have seen tremendous appreciation in long held stocks. These foundations work very well with these clients because it enables them to create a legacy of giving that can last generations while reducing their current, and future, tax liabilities. The good news is that you can start one of these programs with as little as $25,000.
If you are interested in learning more about Donor Advised Foundations and charitable giving using individual stock positions tax efficiently, please reach out to The Applegath Group.