Lisa Applegath
June 20, 2022
Eldercare Living
For many people today, Eldercare is a topic that is very much front-of-mind. Whether it’s for ourselves or a loved one, having a comfortable place to call home, and knowing that we are well looked after is paramount – especially when we look back over the last two years.
“A life that is well planned can be well lived”
One of the elements on our Life Wheel™ (My Well Being) ensures that you are able to take good care of yourself at every turn of life knowing that solutions are in place for any and every contingency. In our experience, we have worked with many clients ensuring they choose the right retirement lifestyle to suit their needs.
The course of the last two years has had many of our clients exploring their own personal living arrangements – many choosing to remain in their own home. Staying in your home will likely require additional financial planning work to ensure that your finances can support the additional expenses without the capital from your home. It may also require exploring options to access this capital in a cost and tax-efficient manner.
Here are a few considerations should you, or a loved one, decide to stay in your home:
Looking to the Future
It is important to look at not only your needs and wants today, but well into the future. What will the home need later on if you will require 24/7 supervision? Asking all the right questions upfront can save you time, money and your overall health in the long run. Engaging an occupational therapist may also make sense.
Safety First
Have your home assessed for safety and accessibility. This might mean incorporating equipment to promote independence and security. It’s always better to be proactive in building a space that will support you as you age.
Plan but be Flexible
Sometimes, as much as we would want to remain in our home for as long as possible, this isn’t always an option. Our team works with a wonderful Eldercare Consultant who has helped many of our clients navigate their options. Feel free to speak with us directly if you would like to know more.
A great book that we often recommend to our clients is, Lyndsay Green’s, The Perfect Home for a Long Life: Choosing the Right Retirement Lifestyle for You.