Lisa Applegath
October 03, 2023
Our Gratitude Journal, 2023
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, it is always good to reflect on what we are thankful for...
For Lisa and I, we are thankful that we can happily continue doing what we love to do with our clients and our team. There seems to be a lot of negative energy in the world today, so we find helping people solve the many issues that enter their lives a true source of positive energy. We are also thankful that we live in an area that has a change of seasons, plenty of water, fertile land, and abundant opportunities to get back to nature. Tom & Lisa
I am grateful for my health because it has allowed me to travel and move around, without leaning on my limitations too much. The past few years have helped me reflect, evaluate, change and make better plans for my health. Jenn
This year, I am most grateful for my health. With every year that passes, health is something that I value more and more - especially, after the pandemic years. Good health allows me to provide for my family, spend meaningful time with my friends, and take my dog on nice long walks. I couldn’t ask for anything more! Mara
I am thankful for my family and my children. More specifically I am thankful that my children are at an age (14, 17, 18) where I can enjoy a bit of independence (whether that’s running errands alone or sneaking away for a few days) while at the same time, being young enough to for me to enjoy them still living at home. With my cooking/baking obsession, I need lots of people with big appetites in the house! Susy
I am thankful for my wife, my kids and all the memories we’ve been able to make this last year. A client recently mentioned how lucky I am that my kids were exposed to camping and enjoyed it - I couldn’t agree more. We even went on our first family portage – just the four of us! It’s become a family tradition that I cherish each year and we look forward to exploring many more campsites in our wonderful province. Matt
In 2023, I am thankful for family, friends, and to work with such an amazing team! T.A.G. has welcomed me so warmly, and each day is full of smiles in the office. I am grateful to be able to work in-person downtown, and I love exploring new restaurants and enjoying activities in the city! Maddie