David Ricciardelli
May 28, 2020
Lifestyle Good readsThoughts on Tim Ferris' The 4-Hour Workweek
The 4-Hour Workweek
Author: Timothy Ferris
I've been skeptical of the title of this book but found many of Tim's suggestions like doing the highest priority activity first (it's usually the activity you fear doing the most) and understanding your worst-case scenario is. I firmly believe, "success can be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations you've had." The second half of the book is case studies, a how-to guide for building an automated direct-to-consumer business and traveling in a minimalist fashion. Tim and Ray Dalio appear to share a love for codifying their lives.
f you're looking for something to read or listen to on investing, leadership, or self-improvement, the Books section of my website has some suggestions for you