Dear Valued Client,
We’ve all seen the jokes about misinterpreted written messages. Whether they are texts or emails, we can miss out on tone. In fact, did you know that simple two-word text messages like, “nice job” or “great work” are misinterpreted as sarcastic 60% of the time?1
Or, sometimes, punctuation isn’t correct and can mean something completely different. For example, there was a sign placed on a business that said:
“Thank you! Your Donation Just Helped Someone. Get a Job.”
Clear and timely communication is extremely important in our line of work. If messages aren’t timely or are easily misunderstood, it can cause a lot of problems. In an effort to keep our communication clear and timely, we have some rules we must follow and some guidelines we think will help.
So, let’s start with the rules. We cannot accept trade or market orders through text, email, or voicemail. This is actually an industry-wide rule for a couple of big reasons. One, we place protecting you and your information as a high priority. With cyber criminals out there conducting all types of scams, they can, and do, send emails appearing to be from you. We won’t take that chance. Second, we don’t want to misinterpret any message from you. If you have an order or trade to place, please call our office so someone on our team can help you directly.
Along the same lines, if we are sending you something that has sensitive information in it, we must send it secure. This might cause some extra steps on your end to open it, but it helps prevent criminals from swiping that information through email.
Now, the guidelines. While these are not hard and fast regulations we must follow, we feel they will help us have great communication. While we will reach out to you periodically, if you need anything, please call our office. We have a great team for a reason. None of us can be available all the time. We may be on the phone, down the hall, grabbing something to eat, etc. But we can be sure at least one of us is available most of the time. So, rather than call our cell phone or an individual’s line, call the office. It’s very rare that all of us are on the phone or away from our desks at the same time.
Finally, text messages and emails should be used as communication that adds to a conversation we’ve already had or one we are scheduled to have. This ensures there is little confusion or mixed messages.
Now, all that said, we want one thing to be absolutely clear: WE LOVE HEARING FROM YOU! We truly have the greatest job in the world because we get to work with great people like you. We want to communicate with you regularly. These rules and guidelines are not at all meant to limit that communication.
We look forward to talking with you again soon!
Sincerely yours,
Omell Financial Group
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