Dear Valued Client,
There are many questions people tend to ask at some point in their life. For example, many kids will eventually wonder, “Is the Tooth Fairy real?” Teenagers ask themselves, “What should I be when I grow up?” And for adults, the Big Question often is, “Will you marry me?”
But there’s one type of question that everyone will eventually ask – and likely, ask it throughout their lives. That question, of course, is: “What if?”
What if X happens?
What if Y doesn’t happen?
What if I do Z?
Nobody knows what the future holds. That’s what makes life exciting! But it’s also what makes life feel uncertain, even scary. That’s especially true when it comes to finances.
In our experience, “What if” is a question that becomes especially important in and around retirement. What if my spouse loses their job? What if I don’t have enough money to retire? What if something happens to my health? What if my kids need money? What if I have to dip into my principal? What if the stock market goes down? What if I never get the chance to travel? What if I outlive my savings?
These questions can keep us up at night. They can cause genuine stress and worry. They can make your financial goals feel further away than they should.
As your advisors, we don’t want you to have any financial “what if” questions. You should also never have to wonder, “What then?” or “What now?” Instead, you should have answers, plans…and solutions.
As we enter a new year, we want to know if you have any “What if” questions weighing on your mind. Is there anything you feel uncertain about? Any potential problems, headaches, red flags, or concerns that make it just a little harder to sleep at night? Anything in the near – or far – future that makes the thought of retirement sparkle a little less?
If so, we want to address them.
When pondering your financial goals, let’s remove any and all “What if’s.” Instead, let’s replace them with another, better question:
“Why not?”
We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Sincerely yours,
Omell Financial Group
P.S. You probably can’t think of anyone right now, but if you ever have a friend or family member wondering “What if,” please send them our way. We would be happy to help them in any way we can!
Sourced from Bill Good Letters Library
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