An image showing 2020 becoming 2021.

Welcome to 2021!

David Ricciardelli

January 04, 2021

A look back at 2020 and look forward to what 2021 might have in store for us.

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The cover of David Epstein's book Range.

Thoughts on David Epstein's Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

David Ricciardelli

December 29, 2020

In an increasingly specialized world, generalists can add value by solving problems by drawing upon seemingly unrelated analogies and outside knowledge.  The book is full of eloquent solutions that ap...

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Yes, the investors with the best returns were dead

David Ricciardelli

November 13, 2020

Yes, the investors with the best returns were dead but the key to their success was a longer investment time horizon.

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The cover of Morgan Housel, The Phycology of Money

Thoughts on Morgan Housel's The Psychology of Money

David Ricciardelli

October 28, 2020

A trip to the altar of compounding that addresses time horizon and investor temperament in addition to returns. The goal in saving is to have flexibility and peace of mind when making decisions.

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Thoughts on James Rickards' Aftermath: Seven Secrets of Wealth Preservation in the Coming Chaos

David Ricciardelli

October 19, 2020

Aftermath is a sermon about potential financial crises that will be caused by excess leverage, the impact of reserve currencies, and the virtues of gold.

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Passive Investments, Active Wagers

David Ricciardelli

October 06, 2020

The market has become very narrow, and passive investors may be making more active bets than they realize.

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